Dining Philosophers in C


In a recent bout of insanity, I thought it would be cool to play around with concurrency in pure C. Nothing crazy, maybe controlling access to a shared resource and a semaphore or two for good measure.

Since I assumed this would be no easy feat in C, I deciced I’d start with a problem I knew. So I went with the dining philosophers problem.

Defining the Problem

There are five (can be adjusted) philosophers sitting around a round table. These philosophers spend their days thinking and eating. Each day, the philosophers think, eat, think, eat, think, eat and for change…think.

They eat from an endless supply of spaghetti. These philosophers are weird though, because they eat with two forks…I know…I know…savages.

Now the problem…there are only five forks available at any given moment. So at most, only two philosophers can eat at the same time.

Things to Consider

We need to ensure that access to the forks is limited. The basic idea is that a philosopher will think while waiting to get a hold of the fork to his left and right. Then he’ll eat and release the forks allowing the philosophers to his left and right to eat.

Since the day is shared by all philosophers, we’ll model each philosopher as a thread so they can run at “the same” time.

To do this, we’ll need to ensure we don’t get caught in a deadlock. This can happen if each philosopher grabs the fork to their left, preventing anyone from grabbing the fork to their right. If that happens each philosopher thread would block waiting for the fork on the right.

The Code

Walking Through the Code

The params_t Struct

POSIX threads take a single void * parameter. However, we need to pass in four values to each of the threads. We need to pass in the position of the current philosopher at the table, the total number of philosophers, the semaphore for the critical region and the semaphores for the forks. To make this possible, we create a simple struct called params_t to wrap these values.

The main Function

We begin by defining a few semaphores. We need one semaphore for each fork and one for controlling the critical region. Then we setup and run all of the philosopher threads. Finally, we call pthread_exit to wait for all threads to complete.

The initialize_semaphores Function

We initialize the forks by setting their initial value to 1. We could have used mutexes for these, but since they’re really just binary semaphores I thought I’d stick to one type of lock throughout.

Next, we initialize the lock semaphore. This will be used to wrap the calls to eat in a critical region. We know that only two philosophers can eat at the same time (since there are 5 forks and 2 are required to eat). We could initialize the lock to 2 and it would technically be correct. However, I like to do the simplest thing to avoid deadlock. The simplest thing is to not let all philosophers grab forks. So instead of 2, I initialized it to 4; one less than the number of philosophers.

The run_all_threads Function

This function spawns the philosopher threads. It creates an instance of params_t to pass to each thread and calls pthread_create for each of them. Each thread will call the philosopher function passing it’s instance of params_t as the argument.

The philosopher Function

This is the meat and potatoes of the app. Here is where each philosopher lives out their day. The interesting part is surrounding the call to eat.

First, we wait on the lock. This is the start of the critical region and the part that ensures that no more than four philosophers are attempting to pick up a fork at any given time. Next we wait on the left and right forks. Since these semaphores are initialized to 1, we can be sure that we are the only one that’s using either of them at the moment. Knowing that, we eat.

Finally, we post to the forks indicating we’re done eating and post to the lock to exit the critical region to allow other philosophers to eat.


With a little effort, we’ve got a working solution to the dining philosophers problem. I know this example is very contrived, but using POSIX threads seems relatively easy. If you’re interested in learning about pthread, check out this tutorial.

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